How to optimise your corporate travel budget?

corporate travel budget

By the end of the year, the French market should have covered 96% of corporate travel expenditure compared to 2019 (reference year – GBTA). That’s why Ayruu presents a complete guide on how to control your corporate travel budget and optimise every aspect of your business travel. 

What are the challenges related to the corporate travel budget?

The challenges associated with a business travel budget can be varied and often depend on the specific nature of the business, its sector, and the frequency of travel. Here are some common challenges that many companies may face:

  • Managing travel policies
  • Controlling the costs associated with business travel
  • Tracking and analysing expenditure
  • Optimising bookings
  • Policy compliance
  • Reimbursement management


Our guide aims to turn these challenges into an opportunity by revealing proven strategies, practical tips and recommendations for controlling your travel budget.

What you’ll find:

  • A travel policy template to help control spending.
  • Tips for optimising bookings and reducing costs.
  • The crucial importance of monitoring and analysing expenditure.
  • Recommendations for eco-responsible management
  • And much more…

Download our guide today and turn your travel into a financial opportunity!

Download the guidebook: How to optimise corporate travel budget?

Ayruu presents a complete guide on how to control your corporate travel budget and optimise every aspect of your business travel

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