
Travel policy

Implement your Business travel policy into your booking solution

The business travel policy should be accessible to all employees. Make it more dynamic and visible for your travellers using our mobile aggregator Ayruu.

We encourage users to respect the company guidelines and rules when booking their corporate trips.

travel policy
travel policy

Real-time alerts to notify if bookings are out of travel policy

Our mobile application Ayruu disposes of a real-time notification on each search result to remind travellers if their results are respecting the company travel policy or not. This is the perfect way to keep your employees updated on your guidelines.

Employees have also direct access to the whole travel policy document directly via their business booking tool Ayruu. We save them the time needed for searching the document in their emails.

Download a FREE Travel Policy Template !

A detailed template with the best practices to ensure compliance with your company policy.

Why do you need a business travel policy?

A travel policy reflects your company’s values and culture. It is the set of rules that helps companies to better shape their business travel procedures. It helps in :

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