
Carbon emission calculator

Track your carbon footprint on the go

Ayruu allows you to predict your carbon footprint before booking your transportation. We are connected to fights, trains, and car providers that show CO2 emissions in real time.
carbon emission

Carbon emission reports

Along with the real-time carbon emission rates, we provide you with full reports about global carbon emissions, each business traveller’s carbon footprint, and much more KPIs.

These analytics reports will allow the office manager and travel manager to adjust the business travel strategy. We encourage data-driven decisions by allowing you to export your reports on your analytics software.

Why carbon footprint reports are important in business travel?

Every company has a different way of organizing itself, but what is certain is that there are essential corporate travel reports when it comes to your business travel management. With this in mind, to improve your travel policy and business travel strategy, you should have an eye on your traveller’s carbon footprint reports.

Enjoy different analytics in your Ayruu corporate platform and improve your green travel policy.

Benefit from filters to choose the most ecological train

Optimise your choice of transport with Ayruu by using our specialised filters to select the most environmentally friendly train. Explore our train connector, unfold the list of available filters and choose the “greenest” option to minimise your carbon footprint.

Be a responsible traveller by making informed choices thanks to our features dedicated to environmental impact.