Business travel management: Office Manager's Toolkit

office managers et voyages d'affaires - Business travel

Office managers orchestrate business travel arrangements that optimize productivity, control costs, and ensure policy compliance. However, navigating the complexities of business travel can be daunting without the right resources and tools in hand.

In this article, we share with you the essential resources for successful business travel management. We highlight strategies, best practices, and indispensable tools designed to streamline travel logistics, enforce corporate policies, and maximize productivity on the go.

1. Guidebook n°1: How to optimise business travel management?

“Optimizing Business Travel Management” serves as a comprehensive guide for office managers looking to streamline the process of arranging and managing business travel. Ayruu shares with you the ultimate guide to optimizing business travel reservations. An ebook full of tips and advice to make business travel booking easier and more efficient.

Our guide is made up of the following parts:

  • Keeping your travellers safe: Learn how to prioritize the well-being and safety of your travellers with recommendations from our experts. From risk assessment to emergency protocols. This document provides you with the knowledge and strategies needed to provide a safe travel experience.
  • Expense reports: Say goodbye to the tedious processing of expense reports and centralize the management of your expenses. Discover effective ways to track and reimburse expenses with our recommendations. Save time and optimize your expenses when booking business travel.
  • Business travel policy: Developing a well-defined travel policy is the key to successful business travel management. Access our best advice and a customizable template that will help you establish clear guidelines, control costs and ensure compliance for business travel.
  • Supplier invoices: Techniques and strategies to optimize time and money spent booking business travel. Discover proven techniques and strategies for effectively managing vendor invoices. Our guide provides information on optimizing processes, reducing errors and saving time and money, allowing you to streamline your financial operations in corporate travel management.

Téléchargez le guide des Office Managers

Le guide complet pour optimiser la gestion des voyages d'affaires.
Des recommendations et des modèles gratuits à suivre.

2. Guidebook n°2: A complete template of a travel policy

“Optimizing Business Travel Management” serves as a comprehensive guide for office managers looking to streamline the process of arranging and managing business travel. Ayruu shares with you the ultimate guide to optimizing business travel reservations. An ebook full of tips and advice to make business travel booking easier and more efficient.

Our guide is made up of the following parts:

  • Keeping your travellers safe: Learn how to prioritize the well-being and safety of your travellers with recommendations from our experts. From risk assessment to emergency protocols. This document provides you with the knowledge and strategies needed to provide a safe travel experience.
  • Expense reports: Say goodbye to the tedious processing of expense reports and centralize the management of your expenses. Discover effective ways to track and reimburse expenses with our recommendations. Save time and optimize your expenses when booking business travel.
  • Business travel policy: Developing a well-defined travel policy is the key to successful business travel management. Access our best advice and a customizable template that will help you establish clear guidelines, control costs and ensure compliance for business travel.
  • Supplier invoices: Techniques and strategies to optimize time and money spent booking business travel. Discover proven techniques and strategies for effectively managing vendor invoices. Our guide provides information on optimizing processes, reducing errors and saving time and money, allowing you to streamline your financial operations in corporate travel management.

Download a FREE Travel Policy Template !

A detailed template with the best practices to ensure compliance with your company policy.

3. Guidebook n°3: How to reduce costs related to business travel?

This document offers office managers practical strategies and techniques for minimizing expenses associated with business travel, without compromising quality or productivity.

Key areas covered in this guidebook include

  • Travel policy templates to control expenses.
  • Tips for optimizing booking and reducing costs.
  • The crucial importance of tracking and analyzing expenses.
  • Recommendations for eco-responsible travel management.
  • And much more…

Download the guidebook: How to optimise corporate travel budget?

Ayruu presents a complete guide on how to control your corporate travel budget and optimise every aspect of your business travel

4. Essential tools for business travel management by Office Managers

In addition to the insights and recommendations provided in the guidebooks, office managers can leverage various essential tools and resources to streamline the process of managing business travel effectively. These tools are designed to automate tasks, enhance communication and collaboration, enforce policy compliance, and optimize travel logistics.

As an office manager in charge of corporate travel management, you will need : 

  • A travel management platform 
  • An expense tracking system 
  • A communication and collaboration tool 
  • A travel policy management software 
  • Etc. 

Guess what? 

Ayruu is an all-in-one travel management solution that allows you to: Book, manage, pay, track, get invoices, implement your travel policy, and more. 

No need for multiple tools and software to better manage your company’s trips. 

Contact us to get a quick demo of the Ayruu solution!

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