Understand and optimise travel expenses thanks to Ayruu statistics

gestion des dépenses de  voyage

Effective management of business travel expenses is a strategic priority for small and medium size companies. Ayruu, a platform that centralises business travel management, provides powerful statistics to offer a clear and detailed view of business travel costs. 

By delving into Ayruu’s statistics, companies discover an essential tool to optimise travel spendings, understand traveller habits, visualize the ecological impact of business travel, and much more.

The power of statistics on the Ayruu all-in-one platform

More than just figures, Ayruu delivers a set of data that gives you visibility across the complete business travel management.


  • The overall company travel expense: Ayruu provides you with an overview of the overall company expense. These figures are used to guide decision-makers towards a deeper understanding of total travel-related costs. They are the starting point for assessing the impact on the company finances.
  • Travel cost per traveller: This feature provides an understanding of the specific habits of each business traveller. As a result, companies can understand individual trends and identify specific optimisation opportunities for each employee.
  • Travel expense by site: Ayruu breaks down travel expenses by site (project, entity, subsidiary, etc.), bringing a local perspective to analysis. This segmentation enables companies to tailor their travel policies to the specific characteristics of each site, thus responding precisely to their needs.


  • Travel expense by type of booking: By categorising expenditure by type of booking, Ayruu reveals travel preferences, enabling companies to adjust their policies to optimise costs without compromising employee comfort.

This makes Ayruu a faithful companion for companies seeking to understand, adjust and optimise their travel costs.

2. Adapt your travel policy

Ayruu supports you in creating and updating your travel policy, based on the data provided on the Corporate platform.

  • Data-driven personalisation: Let our dashboard statistics guide you to customise travel policies. This customisation can be based on concrete data such as individual traveller preferences, booking history, costs per location, preferred mode of transport or accommodation, etc.

3. ​​Visualise the ecological impact of your corporate trips

Ayruu is the must-have solution for companies wishing to measure and reduce the carbon footprint of their business travel.

  • CO2 emissions per trip: Ayruu provides transparency on carbon emissions per mode of transport. The first view of the CO2 impact starts at the time of booking. After the booking, the CO2 emission statistics are stored in the Statistics section of the company’s platform. This enables companies to precisely quantify their contribution to carbon emissions. 
  • CO2 emissions per traveller: This makes individuals more responsible, encouraging travellers to adopt more environmentally friendly practices. 
  • Emissions per site: Segmenting emissions by site allows a local approach to reducing the carbon footprint. Companies can target specific initiatives according to the environmental characteristics of each site.
  • Train vs Plane: Ayruu sheds light on transport choices by comparing the number of train bookings versus plane bookings and other modes of mobility. This comparative analysis offers invaluable insights for adjusting travel policies towards less carbon-intensive modes of transport.

Would you like to find out more about the Ayruu travel management platform? Contact us here

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