What are aggregators?

what are aggregators
What does aggregate means

Aggregators are the secret behind reaching business goals with less costs and more organization. Relying on aggregators internally and externally is a trend that you can’t skip. What are aggregators? and why do companies use them?

1. What does aggregate mean?

In simple words, an aggregator is an entity that combines several services or information into one tool or software. They can be in different types. For instance, Saas aggregator or MaaS aggregator. Ayruu in fact, is both. It aggregates business travel ecosystem in one mobile app and provides at the same time a platform for corporate uses. 

Take the example of Airbnb, the company doesn’t own any hotel or house. Thus, it centralizes all the accommodations offers in one place to make it easier for the customers to find a house or a chamber.

Moreover, we find aggregators in many other domains. For example:

2. Examples of Aggregators:

Instead of consulting many sources of news, people refer to news aggregators to find all the news consolidated in one place.

news aggregators
Travel aggregators

Why consulting many websites and apps to book a trip? Travel aggregator like Ayruu consolidates all the steps of a business trip in one mobile app. From the ticket reservation, accommodation to transportation.

In marketing, companies use data aggregators to understand their customers’ needs and analyze their data. They also rely on feed aggregators to manage their social media accounts in one place. Hootsuite, Buffer, and sprout social are the most known feed aggregators for companies.

Feed aggregators
Bank aggregators

“Financial aggregators are service providers that give you to all your financial products (bank accounts, cards, etc.) in one place, even if the products are contracted with different banks.”

Although aggregators differ from one domain to another, their main objective remains the same, which is centralizing all the data or services in one place. Now, what are the advantages and the uses of aggregators? Read our next article to discover the benefits of relying on these tools in your business.

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