Sustainable business travel: 7 tips

sustainable business travel

Sustainable business travel has become part of the corporate planning process. First of all, for travel managers, several possibilities exist to improve the sustainability objectives of their corporate trips.

But how can you ensure the safety of your business travellers while respecting the budget and including the sustainability objectives of your company? Discover in this article our 7 tips for a sustainable travel policy.

7 tips for making business travel sustainable

First of all, whether you are travelling for business, implementing a sustainable travel policy for your company or planning travel for your employees, sustainable business travel is possible. Here are our recommendations:

  1. Think about the route
  2. Think about carpooling
  3. Use public transport
  4. Only print what you need
  5. Opt for eco-responsible hotels
  6. Keep track of your statistics
  7. Create a sustainable travel policy

Think about the itinerary:

As soon as you fly, think of non-stop flights. Indeed, direct flights are generally less polluting. Since the travel time is shorter and fewer resources are used, these flights are more environmentally friendly.  In addition, direct flights are preferred by travellers as they are less tiring and therefore enhance the business travel experience.

Think about carpooling:

Do several people in the company have to travel at the same time and to the same place? Then setting up a company carpool can reduce carbon emissions.

Take the train or public transport:

One of the best ways to reduce the environmental impact of business travel is to use public transport. Not only does it increase your fuel efficiency, it also reduces traffic jams.

Only print what you need:

It is no longer necessary to have all your tickets in paper form.  Remember that electronic tickets have long been democratised and accepted in all airports, train stations, etc. In other words, you no longer need to print out your tickets, boarding passes or reservations. The business traveller’s smartphone is his or her best friend for going digital. So, in the business travel policy, including an application like Ayruu that centralises all these elements allows for a sustainable business trip. 

Opt for eco-responsible hotels:

It is important to recognise that today many accommodations are taking sustainable development into account. Indeed, find a place to sleep that uses green solutions such as automated lights. So, in your sustainable travel policy, don’t hesitate to make this type of accommodation a priority while negotiating with your suppliers.

Track your statistics:

In order to better track and communicate your sustainability and therefore CSR reporting, get a handle on your business travel statistics. Moreover, the Ayruu platform allows you to create reports on your CO2 emissions during business trips. Therefore, elaborate your travel statistics in a structured way by filtering per month, per trip, per traveller, etc.  In principle, creating reports is ideal for setting targets in your sustainable travel policy and thus monitoring your progress.

sustainable business trip
Think about the environment when travelling.

Create a sustainable travel policy:

Finally, the next time you update your travel policy, think about this article and remember to include some of the sustainable practices listed above. For example, you can:

  1. Set sustainable travel targets
  2. Encourage your employees to reduce their environmental impact by rewarding your best travellers with the lowest carbon emissions on business trips

Learn how to implement a sustainable travel policy.

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